How can a Startup Hire the Best Android App Development Company?

Android App Development


With time, the usages of the apps are increasing considerably. Right now, there are no such things that we cannot do with the help of an app. From shopping to chatting, we can do all the things with the help of an app. Therefore, you can comprehend the fact that the demand for android app development is increasing.


Thus, if you are planning to come up with an android app for your startup or wondering about how to develop an android app, then look nowhere else. Here, in this article, we are providing you with an app development guide that will help you to serve your purpose. So, here are the tips that you must follow if you want your startup to be flourished.


Validate your idea through the android app development


When you are planning to come up with a mobile app, make sure to validate your startup idea. And you have to do it before hiring any android app developer company. You have to be precise about the fact that your app must strike a chord with your target audience.


Craft the wireframe of your app


After validating your startup, the first thing that you have to is to create a wireframe for your app. It will convey your potential customers that you have something in your palate to offer. Thus, what you have to do is to add some details to your product on a wireframing tool or document. Besides, you also have to incorporate the flow of your app and how users are going to navigate it.


Get rid of the features that you don’t need in the first version of the app


Now, it is time to take a peek on the features, flow, prototype, and other features. It will help you to comprehend the elements that you can exclude from your app. In case, if you are going through any confusion, you can get in touch with the best android app development companies, they will help you to develop an android app for your startup.


It’s time to design your app


Well, most of the startups neglect the looks and design of the app. They always point their focus on the development of the app. However, it is one of the mistakes that they do. If you want to attract the customers, you have to make sure that the design of your app is attractive and user-friendly.


Create a pitch so that you can approach your technical co-founders


Once you are done with the above-written points, you must prepare a pitch for your technical co-founders. You have to make sure that your pitch consists of all the things like the brief about your app, your customers, context, background, wireframe, and the details about monetization.


Now, you can hire the Android app developer


Well, it’s time to hire an app developer. Whenever you are hiring an app developer, be precise that they have a strong designing team. Also, be affirming that the developing team is also up to the mark. Also, before signing any deals with them, check their credibility online. Also, go through the apps that they have created.


What should you do after hiring the developers?


Now that you have hired the developers, you have to take care of the design of the app. Besides, there are some other things that you must consider. So, here are the things that we are talking about.


  • Make sure to register with a developer account on relevant app stores. That app store will help you to sell your app through its platform.

  • Make use of analytic tools. It will help you to monitor the user engagement, number of downloads of your app, and other things. In this way, you will get an insight into the areas that you should improve.


  • When your app goes live on the app store, the first set of your customers are quite significant. Their behavior will give you insights about your app. Thus, it will be helpful to modify your app.

  • Check whether the android app development services that you have hired are providing you with post-development support. It will help you to grow your startup.

Therefore, if you are confused about how to app development, go through these points.


Why is it better to choose Android app services than iOS?


When it comes to startups, android app development is more convenient. They have numerous things to offer. Be it open source availability or easy downloading, android developing an android app is pretty effortless.


Some of the advantages that of developing an android app over iOS apps are:


  • The platforms of the android app are open source platform- Well, in the case of androids, development tools are free. Therefore, you can understand that the development costs are pretty low.

  • Customization methods are flexible- When it comes to the customization method, android apps are pretty flexible. We have already discussed that it is open source. Therefore, there are lots of APIs that you can use to modify the app.

  • Android apps have a better scope of development compared to iOS- If you observe the android market right now, you will acknowledge that it has a better range for growth. Besides, they consist of a better market share.

  • App approvals are faster- Well, it is one of the most significant benefits when it comes to android app development. Compared to iOS, you will get quicker approval of android apps. They give much priority to their app than iOS.

What are the myths that you must ignore?


Whenever you are about to come up with a mobile android app, you may have to come across some myths. Thus, it is imperative to bust those myths. So, here are some myths that you must ignore


Your job is done after the development


Most of the time, we think that our job is done after the development of the app. However, you are wrong in this way. You must know that building an app is the most natural thing in the process. The toughest part of the process is to gather customers. Therefore, don’t consider your work done after developing the app.


Make sure not to ask feedback from your friends and relatives


Well, it is essential to avoid the feedbacks from your relatives and friends. Instead of your friends and relatives, try to gather feedback from the real users. They are the best people to provide you with significant insights. If someone has paid for your app, make sure that their comment is valuable.


So, these are the things that you must acknowledge if you are about to come up with an android app for your startup.
